Things To Say Instead Of Good Job

There are many things to say instead of good job. But why would you even want to?

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Well, for one, we want to teach our children the importance of trying their best. We want to teach intrinsic motivation and not just say good job for every little thing they do. Sometimes they don’t even know why we are telling them good job!

We also want them to develop the confidence to take risks and a wide vocabulary.

We can help them to develop into wonderful human beings by being mindful of our language! It’s part of being a good parent.

So… What are some things to say instead of good job?

Here you’ll find statements, questions, and actions you can say, ask, or do instead of just telling your child good job!


A statement is short and sweet. It is close-ended and doesn’t invite your child to share what they think about the work they’ve done. Still, close-ended statements have their place!

1. I’m proud of you.

2. You did amazing!

3. That was absolutely splendid!

4. Wow, that’s a phenomenal job!

5. You must be super proud of yourself!

6. You’re so talented!

7. Wow, you’re getting really mature!

8. You’re improving so much!

9. Every time you work at it, you’re getting better and better.

10. Way to go!

11. That was awesome!

12. I knew you could do it!

13. I can imagine you must feel so accomplished!

14. Thank you for ____.

15. I appreciate your help so much!

16. It helps the entire family when you do that!

17. Wow, I bet you really made him smile.

18. That was so thoughtful!

19. You make my heart so full!

20. I love you so much!

21. That was a great choice.

22. Yayyyyy!

23. I love it when you ____.

24. You never cease to amaze me!

25. You are so smart!

26. You are getting so good at this!

27. I love that you always remember to ____.

28. That was outstanding!

29. All you do is win, win, win, win, win!

30. I can tell you tried really hard!

31. That was SO helpful!

32. That looks so neat!

33. I’m so happy you figured that out!

34. I knew you could do it!

35. See, you CAN do that after all!

36. You surprise me every day!

37. Bravo!

38. Wow, I guess it worked out after all!

39. I see you!

40. I appreciate you listening.

41. Thank you for cooperating, it makes everything run so smoothly.

42. I admire your effort.

43. You did ____ very well!

44. Wow, you did that all by yourself!

45. I’m proud that you tried!


A question is open-ended. It invites your child to share their thoughts about the work they’ve done. It helps you get inside your child’s mind, see how they view themselves and their abilities, and helps them to become emotionally intelligent communicators.

1. How do you feel about that?

2. What was your favorite part?

3. What was the most difficult part?

4. Don’t you feel super proud of yourself?

5. What would you do differently next time?


You don’t always have to give a verbal affirmation when your child does something you’re proud of! You can perform a physical action, or give a small reward. I would caution against using food/sweets as a reward too often. Physical affection is generally well received by children and is very good for their emotional well being!

1. Do a happy dance.

2. Share a fist bump.

3. Give a big bear hug.

4. Do a back-flip.

5. Give a high five.

6. Do the splits.

7. Share a secret handshake.

8. Clap enthusiastically.

9. Give a small treat.

10. Reward tickets to save up towards something your child really wants.

Final Thoughts

When we vary what we say, as well as put the focus on our child’s effort and how they feel, we will raise confident, emotionally intelligent children that are have a wide vocabulary.

Our children will learn that how they feel about the work they’ve done is important.

They’ll learn that intrinsic motivation is just as important as affirmations from a parent, teacher or other authority figure.

They’ll learn that the effort they put into things is just as important, if not even more important, than the final result. Keep trying and you’ll eventually succeed.

Are there other things you say, ask, or do to foster confidence and a sense of accomplishment for your child? I’m sure other parents would LOVE to hear what your family does!

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