Hello Beautiful!
I’m Jo! I’m mom to one smarty pants, super comical boy who is now 11 years old (going on 43!). Where has the time flown?
I’m passionate about parenting with a purpose and I love, love, love to share all the tips that have helped me along the way.
I’m an MPH student who is extremely interested in Maternal & Child Health and diseases. You might notice a boob peeking out here and there… I’m also passionate about breastfeeding and even considered becoming an IBCLC.
I’ve been a babysitter and part time nanny for years before having my little guy. I always had so much fun with the littles! I love seeing children use their imaginations and doing what they do best–PLAY!
I loved the newborn stage. And I especially loved the toddler years. I rocked at being a toddler mom. Then things got trickier… but I still love being a mom. I love watching my little guy grow and develop his own opinions and perspectives of the world.
I believe that children deserve respect and tons of attention! I don’t think they belong in the background, and I don’t follow the “speak when you’re spoken to” philosophy. At all.
Children should have a voice. We shouldn’t treat them worse than we would treat our friends, by hitting and shaming them, just because they are children.
They are still little and learning.
And yes, they’re going to get on our nerves. That’s their job as they navigate through this world.
We can’t control them.
But we can take steps to help them cooperate with us, willingly.
It’s not always easy being on this parenting journey, and some days it’s easy for us to feel like giving up.
Just remember that many other parents have made it through before you, and you will make it through as well.
We’re in this together, and we’ll be alright.
And so will our children!
With love,